Increase customer experience and drive business growth

Turn customer pain points from diverse qualitative sources, such as app stores or customer mails, into actionable recommendations.

ayona funnel visualization

Connect diverse feedback channels to get real-time insights and quantified recommendations

Companies possess a wealth of qualitative customer data from public sources like app store reviews or private sources such as focus group interviews or support emails. However, companies struggle to leverage that data due to costly manual analysis or subjective categorisation. ayona provides a solution by unifying all data sources into a single platform, providing real-time insights through a customer insight dashboard, and offering detailed recommendations to enhance customer satisfaction.

sources visualizaiton

Centralize qualitative data sources with automation

Easily connect data sources with ayona's predefined integrations - whether public or private - or simply upload your data. ayona automatically categorises and labels all sources for you, saving countless hours of data engineering and manual tagging. See an overview of our available integrations.

Monitor key improvement areas in real-time

key improvement areas visualization

Keep track of all your feedback sources in real-time. Benefit from sentiment analysis across all data sources and an overview of key improvement areas.

recommendation visualization

Identify quantified recommendations for effortless prioritisation

Act on ayona's AI-driven, quantified recommendations, making prioritisation effortless. Use advanced filters and sorting for deeper analysis.

ayona provides you with the insights you've never had

It's well known that companies that deliver a better customer experience tend to retain more of their customers, get more incremental purchases, and attract more new customers through positive word of mouth1. With ayona, you gain the essential tool to uncover these insights. Even better, ayona quantifies each recommendation (such as the number of affected users), eliminating the need for prioritisation debates between teams.

sentiment visualization

Know what is really going on

Marketers use ayona to gain real-time sentiment analysis from their customers, enabling them to anticipate and address potential issues before they arise.

heatmap visualization

Drive Product Success with Confidence

Product Managers use ayona to identify and quantify key improvement areas, accelerating the path to product-market fit and identify opportunities that will directly impact retention and revenue. They also leverage specific recommendations and problem-solving descriptions as the foundation for their discovery workflow.

dashboard visualization

Foundation for Decision-Making

Leaders use ayona's dashboard for quick access into issues that may affect retention and revenue. Additionally, they can effectively integrate the voice of the customer and gain a quantified perspective on feedback.

Privacy and data control

Benefit from scalability and cost-efficiency of technologies used while ensuring your data remains private and secure throughout the generation process.

PII Removal & Masking
ayona uses a standard PII filtering process to remove personal identifiers before data storing and allows you to define custom entities to be masked according to your specific needs
Data Residency
ayona securely stores your data in Switzerland, with our infrastructure operating entirely within the country (except for the LLMs). Our solutions are proudly developed in Switzerland
Data Privacy & Security Control
ayona's AI models learn from customer data without sharing between sources and let you set sensitivity levels for each source individually

Beta application available soon 

Over the past months, we have developed and tested the platform with user input and will be ready for public release soon. In the meantime, you can book a demo for an exclusive preview of what ayona has to offer or join the waitlist.