Unlock the full potential of any availalbe customer feedback

Discover ayona, designed to centralize, analyze, and act on customer feedback data with precision and security.

Source Integration: Centralize feedback collection

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In self-service and with minimal effort, you can add any available feedback sources, from app store reviews to internal emails, into one centralised hub. Whether you want feedback to be automatically imported or scheduled at specific intervals, ayona offers the flexibility to tailor the process to your demand. Plus, our trust layer ensures that you can specify data sensitivity for each connected source individually, guaranteeing that all feedback is managed with the appropriate level of care and compliance.

More About Trust Layer
ayona processing funnel

Auto-tagging: Streamline your feedback analysis

ayona’s auto-tagging feature accurately categorizes your feedback, eliminating manual work and allowing you to focus on analysing key improvement areas. Easily add, remove, adjust, or re-tag feedback to uncover the insights you need.

Sentiment and Statement Detection: Refine your feedback insights

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ayona's sentiment and type detection automatically identifies the emotional tone and categorises feedback into types like bug reports, feature requests, or complaints. It further segments feedback into individual statements, each focused on a single aspect, enhancing the precision of analysis available to you.

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Key improvement areas: Visualise trends

ayona's areas of interest provides powerful charts that allow you to visualize and track key trends in your customer feedback. Monitor how sentiment evolves over time, keep an eye on the types of feedback received, and identify which aspects of your product are generating the most responses. Whether you're pinpointing problematic areas or celebrating successes, these insights help you understand where to focus your efforts for the greatest impact.

Actionable Insights: Turn feedback into strategic action

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ayona transforms customer feedback into concrete recommendations, helping you address and prioritise issues effectively. By grouping similar feedback statements into connected topics, we generate tailored insights on how to resolve key challenges. Users can refine these recommendations, contributing additional context and improving the system's accuracy over time. The platform also creates tasks for different teams within your organisation, integrating with project management tools. Teams can discuss, refine, and prioritise these tasks, with suggested timelines and order of operations provided by ayona.

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Anomaly Detection: Stay ahead of emerging issues

ayona’s anomaly detection keeps you informed of potential issues before they rise. As feedback comes in, ayona categorises it into problem groups and continuously monitors these groups for  unusual patterns. When a surge in feedback on a specific topic is detected across different time horizons, ayona will notify you about the potential issue. This proactive approach allows you to address emerging concerns quickly, minimising impact and keeping your product or service on track.