
Why Your Company Needs a Trust Layer for Secure Data Processing

Ensure your sensitive data is handled with the utmost care. Ayona's TrustLayer offers flexible security levels for processing feedback, from public data to highly sensitive internal communications. Choose the level that fits your needs and stay compliant with GDPR.
Noah Chavannes
3-4 minutes

Why Your Company Needs a Trust Layer: Ensuring Secure and Compliant Data Processing

In today’s digital landscape, data is not just a resource; it’s a critical asset that drives decision-making and innovation. However, the sensitivity of certain information demands exceptional care in handling. This is where ayona's TrustLayer comes into play—a robust solution designed to protect your sensitive data while still allowing you to extract valuable insights.

The Need for a Trust Layer

As companies increasingly rely on data to inform their strategies, the importance of data security and privacy cannot be overstated. Many businesses deal with sensitive customer feedback that, if mishandled, could lead to serious breaches of trust or compliance issues. With stringent regulations like GDPR, it's crucial to ensure that certain data remains within specific geographical boundaries, such as Europe. Recognizing this need, ayona offers a TrustLayer that ensures your data is processed securely and in full compliance with these regulations.

New Levels of Security for Your Needs

To accommodate the diverse needs of our customers, we offer three levels of security for processing data through TrustLayer. Here’s how we ensure that your data is handled appropriately based on its sensitivity:

Level 1: Standard Processing with PII Masking

At this level, all feedback data undergoes a standard PII filtering process to remove personal identifiers before storage. If feedback contains PII, it is masked and securely stored for potential later processing. Feedback without PII can be processed immediately.

  • Individual Plan: Allows immediate processing of feedback without PII. Feedback containing PII is masked and stored, and you can upgrade to a team plan to process it later.
  • Team Plan: Required for processing feedback that contains PII beyond the initial masking.

Level 2: Enhanced Privacy with Custom Masking

This level is designed for more sensitive data that may contain identifiable information. In addition to our standard PII filtering, Level 2 allows you to define custom entities that should be masked according to your specific needs. Once the data is fully anonymized, it can be processed by a cutting-edge large language model (LLM) hosted in a global region to generate insights or stored securely for later analysis.

Level 3: Maximum Protection with European Processing

Level 3 offers the highest level of privacy and compliance, tailored for the most sensitive internal data, such as feedback collected through internal communication channels or customer surveys. At this level, data undergoes advanced PII filtering, allowing for custom entity masking, while all processing occurs exclusively within European data centers. This level is designed for industries with stringent data protection requirements, ensuring that sensitive feedback is handled with the highest degree of security.

Looking Ahead: Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

At ayona, we understand that the landscape of data security is ever-evolving. While Levels 2 and 3 offer robust protection today, we are committed to expanding our TrustLayer offerings to meet the growing and changing needs of our customers. In the future, we may introduce additional security levels, including manual approval processes for super-sensitive data, ensuring that your data is always handled with the highest level of care.

Why TrustLayer Is Essential for Your Business

By choosing ayona’s TrustLayer, you’re not just processing feedback—you’re safeguarding your most valuable asset: your data. Our tailored security measures ensure that your data is handled in a way that aligns with your specific requirements, providing you with the confidence to make informed decisions while maintaining the highest standards of privacy and compliance.

TrustLayer Level 2 & 3 are available in our Team plans, offering businesses of all sizes a secure, flexible solution for processing sensitive feedback. Whether you’re analyzing public data or safeguarding confidential information, TrustLayer provides the protection you need.


In a world where data security and privacy are paramount, TrustLayer offers a comprehensive solution that ensures your data is processed securely, efficiently, and in compliance with all relevant regulations. With customizable sensitivity levels and a commitment to ongoing improvement, ayona’s TrustLayer is your partner in building trust through secure data processing.

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